Where the fabulous come to DeTox & ReVIBE
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B12 Makes You Happy, Healthy and Strong all year long!

yay! you’re here

The Shot Spot is all about providing a well rounded Wellness Experience. We love cellular detox and nutrient infusion in injectable shot form.
It is necessary to supplement with proper forms of nutrients to help your body work the way it should. B12 comes in a synthetic form known as cyanocobalamin if you have a gene mutation (mainly the MTHFR mutation) your body can’t convert this synthetic form of B12 into a usable form and the body just expels it through urine. I am sure you’ve heard people say ,"B12 doesn’t work you just pee it out". Now you know why, that person couldn’t convert the synthetic form into a useable form and it was money that was flushed down the toilet. The Shot Spot only uses the most absorbable, ready to use form of B12 called Methylcobalamin or Methyl B12. This form of B12 is ready for the body to use immediately, after your first shot you will sleep better, have more energy and will be happier right away.

B12 is a water soluble vitamin, your body needs B12 for healthy nerves, mental clarity, melatonin production (sleep hormone), seratonine (happiness hormone), red blood cell production, heart health and is also a main co factor for the methylation process which is a detoxing process that helps the body break down histamine, and other inflammatory toxins that store in the body causing pain or irritation. B12 is also amazing for your immune system, and is a cortisol metabolizer. Cortisol is the stress hormone that causes weight gain around the tummy area, this is why B12 is known to help shed pounds, it calms the stress hormone down so your body isn’t storing stress weight.

The Shot Spot focuses on root causes, gene mutation, emotional trauma, chronic stress, environmental toxicity and vitamin deficiency. Once we get a clear picture of what your imbalance is, and how it is physically manifesting in your body, we develop a plan to help plug you into the wisdom of your body and to activate its cellular healing intelligence. Your body is speaking to you all the time, we can help you interpret your unique language so you always know exactly what your body is asking for, when you learn this language you will have wellness for a lifetime.

B12 Shots are an amazing first step in getting better acquainted with your system. The Shot Room trains you to manifest the healing you want, you will be asked two questions, ”How do you feel?” and “What do you need today?’ These are difficult questions for the majority of people because we have been disconnected from the wisdom of our body and we have also been encouraged not to speak about how we are feeling. The Shot Spot is the place that asks you to be aware of how you are actually feeling, this is not a superficial question that wants you to reply with the standard, “I am fine”. It is important to know if you’re stressed, not sleeping, bloated, PMS-ie, sad, anxious, depressed, have low energy, fatigued, low libido or sluggish? It is perfectly normal to have a combo platter of symptoms, most people do. The good news is there is a shot to remedy everything! Your perfect wellness shot is formulated by your answer. Our classic wellness shots are B Happy, B Skinny, B Strong, and B Healthy , the names say it all. You can be any combination you choose, and yes, you can have it all!! We will make a wellness cocktail just for you. ❤️. When you say "I want to be happy and healthy” you are setting the intention to be Happy and Healthy. Speaking this intention is the magic that turns your B12 shot into a Wellness Elixir. You can get a B12 shot anywhere, if you are looking for a wellness experience, where you actually shift your body into the vibration of wellness, The Shot Spot is your place.

Ok, if you are still with me then you are ready to schedule your First Appointment, but first a little more about the process.
If you have never been to The Shot Spot you do need to book an appointment for the first visit only, after you are established you just pop in when you are ready for your next shot. During your visit we will look at medications, current diagnosis and wellness goals to decide which shot is perfect for you. Most people come in weekly until their goals are met, this usually happens within 4-8 shots. During this time frame you are being trained to really plug into your system and monitor your energy levels which will help you determine the frequency of shots. One shot per week for four consecutive weeks. That’s when you notice you have sustained energy, your quality of sleep improves and you have more mental focus. The goal is to get you to that sweet spot where you can go longer and longer between injections, while maintaining a strong immune system, balanced mood and just have an over-all sense of well being. We highly recommend our Twelve or Sixteen shot packages for anyone committing to a wellness, weight loss or training program. Metabolism boosters combined with amino acids and adrenal support is an absolute game changer when you are shifting your health through lifestyle modification.

  • Your first visit needs to be booked online (Booking Link below)

  • The initial cost is $50 this fee includes your first shot

  • The appointment takes under 20 minutes

  • All follow up shots do not need to be scheduled - just pop in

  • Packages may be purchased at the time of your appointment


methyl B12 pure and simple


B Healthy 2 mG/ $20

B12 regulates energy, happiness, sleep, detoxification, red blood cell production, immune support, and is vital for nerve and heart health. We only serve premium B12 as methylcobalamin for maximum absorption. If you have MTHFR gene mutation this is the form of B12 that is recommended.

B Healthy 5 Mg/ $30

A higher dose is beneficial for those who are experiencing symptoms of B12 deficiency. Some of the most common symptoms are brain fog, numbness and tingling, depression, insomnia, anemia, Vertigo, fatigue and mouth ulcers.


wellness elixir

Classic Nutrient Infusion + Wellness Intention = Wellness Elixir

Happiness, Stress Relief, Metabolism Boost, Liver Detox, Good Night’s Sleep, Immune System Support, Adrenal Support and Workout Enhancer>

classic shot menu

B Happy/ $30

is liquid Zen in a syringe. B12, MIC with a heavy dose of Lysine provides immune system and liver support, happiness, calmness, energy and mental clarity.

B Skinny/$30

is a mega dose of energy, happiness and immune booster with a heavy pour Fat Burner (MIC), which is fabulous for helping the liver remove fat and toxins and also increases metabolism.


B Strong/ $30

is packed with amazing aminos and B12. Glutamine, Ornithine, Arginine and Lysine enhance total workout performance, increase muscle mass, decrease recovery time and eliminate muscle fatigue. Ornithine supports the kidneys and is a major fatigue fighter.

Classic shot packages

These packages include any combination of CLASSIC SHOTS B HAPPY, B HEALTHY, B SKINNY OR B STRONG

Four classic shots $105 (Save $15)

Eight classic shots $220 (Save $20)

Twelve classic shots $320 (Save $40)

Sixteen classic shots $420 (Save $60)


vitamin C,B12,B Complex,


metabolism,anti-stress &energy enhancers

Classic Myers’ Cocktail/ $35

This is the shot form of the famous IV Dr. Myers crafted in the 70’s to fight chronic fatigue, migraine headache, seasonal allergies and upper respiratory issues. It’s the perfect blend of Vitamin C, B Complex, B12, Magnesium and Calcium. Just what the doctor ordered to keep you healthy all year long. This is a great shot for travelers.

Happy Myers’ Cocktail/ $35

This cocktail soothes the mind by nourishing the neurotransmitters that make you happy, motivated and clear. Once you’re feeling the Zen, the energy kicks in to give you the physical strength you need to actively enjoy your life.

Skinny Myers’ Cocktail/ $35

has all the benefits of the Classic Myers’ plus a metabolism boost and liver detox.

strong Myers’ Cocktail/ $35

this shot packs a punch! A double dose of energy, it helps repair and strengthen muscles, helps the kidneys function better and knocks out chronic fatigue.

B strong & Beautiful Cocktail/ $35

Yes, you can have it all! All of the nutrients you need to nourish tissues and cells for fabulous skin, hair and nails while boosting your metabolism.

Don’t Be a “B”/ $35

For that time of the month when the most even tempered Diva can feel a little bitchy. This cocktail banishes menstrual cramps, fatigue and bloating.

Hangover B Gone/ $35

Party like a rock-star with this pre or post party shot. Come in before the party or drag yourself in after; you’ll be back to your fabulous self in under an hour.

The Bees Knees/ $35

Is the perfect blend of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to prepare and strengthen the immune system for the change of seasons. Provides seasonal allergy relief, shortens the lifespan of colds, and will have you feeling the the Bee’s Knees in no time.

New Super shots

B Super Skinny/ $35

Methyl B12 + Straight Fat burner + L Carnitine This shot turns up the skinny factor and gives you extra energy to enjoy all that life has to offer!

B Super Skinny & Strong/$35

The B Super Skinny shot and the B Strong shot team up in one amazing syringe of everything fabulous!

Super skinny straight up/ $35

It doesn't always have to be about B12, there are times when you just want a double dose of fat burner. Guess what? I am a SUPER YES to that!

B Super Happy/ $35

Selenium is the Super component of this happy elixir. Selenium is an essential mineral, that supports happiness neurotransmitters. This is one of my favorite shots when you really have been through or are going through challenging times, it helps metabolize cortisol, calm the system and protect against stress virus flare up.

B Super Skinny & Happy/ $35

Yay! The B Happy and B Super Skinny are the proud parents of this Super Shot. Methyl B12 + MiC + L Carnitine + Lysine

myers cocktail & super shot packages

Any Combination of MYERS Cocktails AND SUPER SHOTS

Four Cocktails $120 (Save $20)

Eight Cocktails $240 (Save $40)

Twelve Cocktails $360 (Save $60)

Sixteen Cocktails $480 (Save $80)


All Packages Expire One year from the date of purchase,are non TRANSFERABLE, AND NON REFUNDABLE.